Mon to Fri: 10.30am – 7.30pm
Sat & Sun: 10am – 8pm

What Causes Ankle Injuries and How to Contain Them

Ankles support our weight allowing us to move about effortlessly. Also, they have several nerve endings on them, so you can imagine the kind of agony that you can go through if they start aching. If you experience severe aches on your ankles, see below for possible causes and how to treat them. Arthritis Arthritis […]

Plantar Fasciitis- Causes And Treatment

If a stabbing pain in the heel is the first thing you have to deal with when you step out of bed, you may be suffering from plantar fasciitis. This pain usually worsens with the first few steps after you get on your feet. It can also be felt after long periods of standing or […]