Mon to Fri: 10.30am – 7.30pm
Sat & Sun: 10am – 8pm

4 Tips that Make Your Feet Look Pretty

Our feet are an essential part of us and making them look good is very important. There are various things that affect our feet such as cracked heels, fungal infections, and also ingrown nails.  The three problems mentioned above are some of the most common ones and knowing how to avoid them and even other […]

A Tribute to Our Teachers

Teachers Suffer from Foot and Leg Problems Who would have thought that you spend you entire career teaching and you end up suffering from foot and knee pain in your later years? We didn’t know that too, but over the years, we have seen so many teachers come through our doors, saying that if only […]

Why Kids Need an Insole

Children are fragile beings, especially during their early stages of development. Due to their exploration that involves a lot of movement and physical activities, they can develop some health complications associated with their feet. For that reason, it is essential to find a way to protect your child’s feet. Below are some common foot problems […]

What Causes Ankle Injuries and How to Contain Them

Ankles support our weight allowing us to move about effortlessly. Also, they have several nerve endings on them, so you can imagine the kind of agony that you can go through if they start aching. If you experience severe aches on your ankles, see below for possible causes and how to treat them. Arthritis Arthritis […]

Plantar Fasciitis- Causes And Treatment

If a stabbing pain in the heel is the first thing you have to deal with when you step out of bed, you may be suffering from plantar fasciitis. This pain usually worsens with the first few steps after you get on your feet. It can also be felt after long periods of standing or […]

Effective Ways to Get Rid of Painful Heel Spurs- Incredible Natural Ways

One of the leading causes of painful heels is heel spurs. Affecting both men and women, it is caused by calcium clot near the base of the heel bone, causing discomfort when walking, running, or standing for prolonged hours. This can result in damaging the tissues. In protecting the damage cells, the heel produces “osteoblasts” […]

Methods to treat Heel Pain

Heel Pain (or commonly known as Plantar fasciitis) is a pain felt on the heel of the foot, a condition that results when the plantar fascia is damaged or distressed. This condition is majorly witnessed in people who spend extended periods standing, those suffering from obesity, and runners. The extreme pressure exerted on the plantar […]

How does Bunion Surgery Work?

A bunion is formed at the bottom of the big toe; this is where a union is formed with the foot bone known as the forts metatarsal. Some people can live with bunions while other people cannot; this is maybe because of the sheer pain and discomfort that comes from it. This deformity can also […]

How to prevent seniors falling at home?

Unfortunately, falls are quite frequent among senior citizens. According to research done by the CDCP (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), more than a third of seniors over sixty-five years in the United States fall every year. Individuals who have fallen mostly develop a fear for falling that may even result in reduced participation in […]

What shoes are good for bunions?

Both men and women contract bunions Bunions are painful sores that attack the base or the first joint of your big toe. They can be caused by a variety of sources including genetics, wearing tight or narrow shoes and even arthritis. The good news is that there are a lot of good shoes on the […]